Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Saturn in Aries

The sign of Aries is about finding your courage, acting on it, and accepting your limitations. You need to make the effort to take risks, and to actively engage with life through speaking up and physically testing yourself, despite fears of rejection or failure. You may have developed a persona or mask in which you may even fool yourself into thinking you are very brave…but it is more as if you are cultivating the qualities of bravery and courage.
So go for it! AND choose your battles wisely. At times you may feel the “loneliness of the long distance runner” because you have such a provocative blend of being intensely confrontational one moment and reluctant of “showing yourself” the next moment. You have an innate charisma, that others can feel and love, and yet you are probably the only one who knows how much you’ve had to “feel the fear and do it anyway.”
When you choose to blaze a new trail and risk daring to be all you can be, you are do well as long as you are willing to honor your limitations and even those of others…not always easy for you! Sometimes it’s easier to “butt heads Aries style” with whoever appears to be the boss or authority in any given situation—but this is a defensive reaction. You don’t need to do that.
 Instead at your Saturn Returns you can explore which boundaries you will choose to honor, and which you choose to challenge. You can still be impulsive at times, but you’re learning how to be savvy and smart enough not to sabotage yourself while testing your limitations. You know there are great heights you can explore and you’ve fallen in a few valleys. When you were young, you probably learned the hard way about what kinds of behavior was acceptable or not, and now at each Saturn Return you get a chance to courageously step into your next adventure. Go for it!
Saturn Return Question: When do I sabotage myself by being too confrontational or too reserved? Is there a better balance I can achieve? How can I speak and act on my truth more skillfully?  elizabethspring@aol.com   www.elizabethspring.com